Tag Archive for: Family Law

Martha McCarthy spoke at The Voice of the Child in Family Law

Martha McCarthy spoke at The Voice of the Child in Family Law, a program that focuses on the complex issues that arise when dealing with children involved in the litigation process.

Martha’s topic of discussion was about “Judicial Interviews & Meetings with Children: Proposed Recommendations”.

Martha McCarthy is featured in Law Times in an article on “Gay divorce litigation on hold pending federal bill”

Martha McCarthy is featured in the March 12, 2012 edition of Law Times in an article on “Gay divorce litigation on hold pending federal bill”

For more information please see: Gay divorce litigation on hold pending federal bill

Martha McCarthy named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 Toronto Family Law Lawyer of the Year

“Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession, has named Martha A. McCarthy as the “Toronto Best Lawyers Family Law Lawyer of the Year” for 2012.

After more than a quarter of a century in publication, Best Lawyers is designating “Lawyers of the Year” in high-profile legal specialties in large legal communities. Only a single lawyer in each specialty in each community is being honored as the “Lawyer of the Year.”
Best Lawyers compiles its lists of outstanding attorneys by conducting exhaustive peer-review surveys in which thousands of leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. The current, 18th edition of The Best Lawyers in America (2012) is based on more than 3.9 million detailed evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers.
The lawyers being honored as “Lawyers of the Year” have received particularly high ratings in our surveys by earning a high level of respect among their peers for their abilities, professionalism, and integrity. Steven Naifeh, President of Best Lawyers, says, “We continue to believe – as we have believed for more than 25 years – that recognition by one’s peers is the most meaningful form of praise in the legal profession. We would like to congratulate Martha A. McCarthy on being selected as the `Toronto Best Lawyers Family Law
Lawyer of the Year’ for 2012.”
With warm regards,
Steve Naifeh
President Best Lawyers
T: 803-648-0300 | F: 803-641-4794

Martha McCarthy receives the Ontario Bar Association 2007 Award of Excellence in Family Law

TORONTO – The Ontario Bar Association’s Family Law Section is pleased to announce that it will present its 2007 Award for Excellence in Family Law to Martha McCarthy. She will be honoured at an award ceremony to be held in Toronto on May 30, 2007. The selection of McCarthy is in recognition of her outstanding achievements and contributions to the practice of Family law in Ontario and across Canada.

Read more: Martha McCarthy to Receive OBA Award for Excellence in Family Law (pdf-file)

Toronto Star: Court Rules lesbians can be co-mothers

Toronto Star: Court Rules lesbians can be co-mothers: Ontario given 12 months to change law both women’s names to appear on birth record

For more information please see: Court rules lesbians can be co-mothers

Globe and Mail: Two mothers should be allowed on birth document, judge says.

Globe and Mail: Crusader racks up legal victories for the cause